Goldendale Observatory
One of the largest, most accessible telescopes in the country

Goldendale Reached for the Stars
47 years after the construction of Goldendale Observatory, the first major renovation of this unique State Park was completed in February 2020. A much larger and more advanced learning center now stands in complement to the iconic main observatory dome and the newly upgraded telescope within. Seating capacity has more than tripled and self-guided interpretive exhibits are installed throughout the campus.
And Goldendale Touched Them
Since 1973 Goldendale has been home to a great treasure. Right on the hill overlooking town we have one of the largest and most accessible public telescopes in the nation. Thousands of star gazers, amateur astronomers, and students travel to Goldendale every year to meet the stars at Goldendale Observatory State Park.
Explore the magic of the Goldendale Observatory during their signature event. Attendees can enjoy an immersive stargazing experience, with expert staff on hand to answer astronomy questions. Don’t miss the chance to observe celestial objects through one of the world’s largest public telescopes. Remember to bring a jacket for the night sky adventure!
Attend an enlightening discussion about our local star, the Sun. During this one to two-hour show, you’ll experience high-resolution and contrast live views of the Sun—some of the best available at any public observatory or science center. By the end, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the stars!
The Story of Goldendale Observatory State Park
Goldendale Observatory State Park was completely renovated and the project was completed in April of 2020.
Autumn/Winter Schedule
Solar Program: 2-4pm
Evening Program: 7-10pm
Spring/Summer Schedule
Solar Program: 3-5pm
Evening Program: 9pm-Midnight
Attendees must provide advance notice via the Microsoft Bookings Calendar HERE